Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Networks and Matricies

Today in class Mr.Max taught us all about Networks and Matricies. There are 2 ways of doing this: Directed(One Way) .Vs. Non-Directed(2-Ways). There are Nodes/ Vertex Points (Verticies) connected by Routes/Edges. He also taught us how to enter the info onto our calculator. He made us take the networks and make them into matricies which took a long time. A direct route matrix goes from start_?_ finish. A non- direct route goes from start_?_finish or start_?_ _?_finish. He finished the class of by Assignin us practise questions that have to do with Networks and Matricies.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday's Class! 2 Finger Method

This is the 2 Finger Method for matrix multiplication!

Two Finger MethodThis method is done by giving a 'thumbs up' with your left hand, than extending your index finger, while your right hand shapes the letter L. With your hands in position, follow a pattern like this:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Here is Matrix Multiplication!
Here is Scalar Multiplication!

Monday's Class: Matrix Modelling Cont.

Today we started of the class with mental math. We then moved on to the last 2 types of Matrix Modelling. Scalar Multiplication and Matrix Multiplication. He showed us the "2- Finger Rule" for Matrix Multiplication and also that "Scalar" is just a fancy way to say "Number." He finished the class off by showing us examples of Scalar and Matrix Multiplication to make sure we understood. He then handed out a booklet with questions to do in tommorows class, and that about sums up Monday's math class!

S.M.A.R.T Goals!

Mr. Max told us the first day of school we needed to set some S.M.A.R.T Goals for ourselves for the semester, school year our lives etc. So here are some of my Goals:
1. To pass this grade 12 applied math class with at least a 70%
2. To pass all my grade 12 classes this year to graduate high school in June.
3. To get accepeted into Brandon University Buisness Admin.
4. To move to Brandon next fall and be living on my own.
5. To pass my provincial exams this year.

These are some of my goals and hopefully i will be successful in achieving them and i will be posting more as this semester continues!

Friday's Class: Matrix Modelling

On Friday, September.11 2009 Mr.Max started teaching us about Matrix Modelling. He taught us about the first 2 parts: Matrix Addition and Matrix Subracting. He taught us the most important rule about Matrix Modelling "Row by Column." He taught us how to enter the matricies etc. on our calculators.